Saturday, 30 May 2015


At some point during a rash "tidy up" of my bookmarks folder, I realise I must have managed to delete all of my recipe bookmarks, which I had compiled and categorised over some ten years and three computers.

After a moment of horror, I relaxed.

It's bad enough that I have had to place a moratorium on buying cookery books because of my inability to actually follow a recipe, but the hundreds of blogs etc I had bookmarked were just another reminder of my failure to Do Things.

Technically, I have backups on an external hard drive, and technically I am sure I could restore my bookmarks, but I think I will liberate myself from another troubling sense of obligation.

Well, until I see another weird and wonderful use of chickpeas, that is.


Johanna GGG said...

I felt the same way when I deleted all my google reader bookmarks and started just looking at the latest entry on blogs when I can rather than having to keep up with them. When there is a recipe I really want to make I often remember it when I have the right ingredients but I do love my delicious bookmarks system online that I can search - recently heard someone discuss evernote searchable database that sounded interesting - but I am sure you will not be wanting for recipes to make without your bookmarks!

The New Epicurean said...

Oh, I will have to investigate the searchable bookmarks system online - that sounds really useful.

I use Evernote for university stuff, but never thought to use it for anything else. Another good idea!